Effective January 1, 2019
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to file a deed?
$21.00 for first page and $17.00 for each additional page
How much does it cost to file a mortgage.
$21.00 for first page and $17.00 for each additional page
How much does it cost to file a mortgage release or assignment?
$20.00 for first page releasing one book and page; and $4.00 for each additional page
Additional fee of $16.00 each after first will apply if releasing multiple book/pages in same document
How much does it cost to file an oil and gas lease or assignment?
$21.00 for first page and $17.00 for each additional page
How much does it cost to file a death certificate or an affidavit?
$21.00 for first page and $17.00 for each additional page
How much does it cost to file a UCC?
$15.00 up to first ten pages and $1.00 for each additional page
Where do I file mechanic liens on personal property?
The Register of Deeds' office in the courthouse, 1st floor
Who do I contact for title insurance or updating an abstract?
You may contact one of the local title companies listed below: